COVID-19 vaccines – your questions answered

This webinar will focus on the current situation in the UK with the COVID-19 vaccines, specifically in relation to people living with a blood cancer diagnosis.

15 January 2021

Webinar date and time: Friday 15th January 2021, 2pm 

The news of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine has been widely welcomed. However, those with blood cancer – considered to amongst the most clinically extremely vulnerable – may have particular questions about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, and its availability for them.

This webinar aims to give information, guidance and reassurance to people living with blood cancer around the COVID-19 vaccine. This includes the different types of vaccines in use and development, their mode of action and suitability for people with blood cancer, and details of the roll-out of the vaccine over the coming weeks and months.


  • Dr Graham Collins, Haematology Consultant, Oxford University Hospitals
  • Dr Wendy Osborne, Consultant Haematologist, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Dr Robert Marcus, Consultant Haematologist, HCA Healthcare, London

How do I join the webinar? 

The webinar is being hosted on GoToWebinar, and you will need to register to attend. You will receive an email with joining instructions when you register, and you also have the opportunity to submit questions in advance to the webinar hosts.  

Please note, we will not be able to give individual medical advice, and we may not be able to answer all questions submitted. 


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