Next steps with shielding and vaccination for COVID-19

The aim of this webinar is to give blood cancer patients information to help you transition from current government guidance as this is due to end at the end of March (England) and in April in Scotland.

30 March 2021

The aim of this webinar is to give blood cancer patients information to help you transition from current government guidance as this is due to end at the end of March.

This webinar will provide information and discuss the implications of vaccinations as you assess how to mitigate risk and may start to emerge into a post-shielding world.

We will be joined by:

Professor Paul Moss, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, Deputy Head of College of Medical and Dental Sciences, Professor of Haematology at Birmingham University.

Professor Moss leads the UK Coronavirus Immunology Consortium (UK-CIC), bringing together leading immunologists from 19 UK Universities to understand the immune response to SARS-CoV-2

Emeritus Professor Chris Fegan, School of Medicine Cardiff University and Consultant Haematologist University Hospital of Wales. Professor Fegan will focus focus on chronic leukaemia

Dr Tobias Menne, Newcastle University and Consultant Haematologist Newcastle Hospitals. Dr Menne will focus on acute leukaemia

When someone close to you has a blood cancer

Hearing the news that someone you love has a blood cancer can be one of the most overwhelming and devastating times of your life. Whatever your relationship with that person, it’s natural to feel a range of emotions.

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