Local Sainsbury’s partnership starts with a bang!

Leukaemia Care is now the charity of the year for the Sainsbury’s Blackpole store in Worcester. Find out what we have planned for our partnership in our latest update.

The first weekend in August marked the launch of our partnership with Sainsbury’s Blackpole in Worcester. Staff and volunteers helped at the supermarket collection from Friday-Sunday.

We can now announce that we made a fantastic £451.00 from the weekend’s collection. We cannot thank the volunteers enough for their dedication and commitment in helping on the day. It was a great opportunity to raise awareness and start the campaign on a high.

Throughout the year, we are going to be doing more three-day collections within the store. We also have plans for a carol-a-thon in store during a weekend in December, a possible Sainsbury’s skydive day and a spotty treasure hunt within the store.

The community champion at Sainsbury’s, Chris Weston, is getting staff involved by doing a spotty dress down day for our Blood Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) campaign and placing collection tins in the store all year.

Our next collection date is Saturday 9th September and we will be there promoting our spotty campaign and raising awareness. If you think you would be able to help out on the day or would like to get involved in some way, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have a choir or know anybody involved in a choir that may like to take part in our carol-a-thon in December, you can contact Sara Johnson on sara.johnson@leukaemiacare.org.uk

Active monitoring for CLL

If you don’t have any symptoms of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) or your symptoms are not causing you problems, you might not need treatment straight away. Instead, you might be monitored through regular check-ups and blood tests. This is called active monitoring or 'watch and wait'. Treatment is still available when you need it. Find out more about active monitoring, what it is and why it is used.

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