Sandra’s story

Sandra was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) 10 years ago after being blighted by infections that just wouldn’t clear up. However, her time in hospital was made all the more bearable thanks to her nurses.

Video: Sandra’s AML story

She said, “I was in for six weeks for the first time and had the chemo, and I just made the room like a room that you’d have at home. Visitors were allowed to visit me anytime, it wasn’t restricted on visiting hours and things like that. So, it was like being home from home, as best as it could be in a hospital situation.

“The nurses at the hospital were amazing and I still see them once a year. Even now they still say, “how are you doing?”. And if I needed anything or I thought it was back today, I know I could pick up the phone and I would go straight in. It is like a family, you don’t ever move away from them, you’ve still got them behind you, supporting you. They’re just there as a little blanket to keep hold of you and just protect you.”

This December (2017), we are spreading a little Christmas thanks for the invaluable role that Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) have in a leukaemia patient’s journey. We want CNSs to know that they matter to patients, to charities and to other healthcare professionals.

Find out more about our #myCNSmatters campaign here.


In employment but don’t want to/can’t continue

This information is designed to help you explore your rights, whatever your decision might be. This article looks at the decision to leave work.

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