Michael’s story

Michael was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and from the point of diagnosis was given a CNS, who he couldn't thank enough.

“I have nothing but total respect for the CNS assigned to me at the Churchill. As far as I am aware, those like me who were being treated at the Churchill (OUH) were/are routinely assigned a Key worker (often a CNS) and, in my case, it was a CNS. The CNS was present both during early appointments during the 6-month FCR and sometimes at the Day Treatment Unit. I was given a contact number for working hours Monday to Friday and Triage contact out of hours. I assume that is still the case even though I am in remission.

“Post-FCR my bone marrow was finding it difficult to restart good white cells and I was put on Filgrastim; I believe it was to kick start the bone marrow. Subsequently, I had breathing problems and called my CNS, explaining my situation. She called me in for a quick medical, and I was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia and hospitalised for seven days (on antibiotics). Without that CNS contact, I would have been floundering in my GP surgery waiting for an appointment.

“I am truly appreciative of the professional service they give. It certainly reduces the level of anxiety and stress that a leukaemia diagnosis brings, knowing there is a professional on the end of the phone. Yes, having a CNS certainly improved my confidence in the treatment.”


This December (2017), we are spreading a little Christmas thanks for the invaluable role that Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) have in a leukaemia patient’s journey. We want CNSs to know that they matter to patients, to charities and to other healthcare professionals.

Find out more about our #myCNSmatters campaign here.


Virtual fundraising

It may not always be possible to join an in-person event but using the internet, you can create a custom fundraising challenge.

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