Thank you for helping people to Spot Leukaemia this September

Find out what we got up to during Blood Cancer Awareness Month, and how our supporters raised awareness of leukaemia and its symptoms.

This September the Spot Leukaemia campaign returned for Blood Cancer Awareness Month. Events, awareness, fundraising, social media, support groups, and more all turned spotty to help people recognise the signs and symptoms of leukaemia.

Why? Because early diagnosis saves lives and if people can spot leukaemia they are more likely to visit their healthcare professional sooner.

So, what has happened during August and September this year?

  • 6 high streets visited in the Spot Leukaemia roadshow with a combined footfall of over 50,000 people
  • 31 people shared their Spot Leukaemia story, that’s one every day of Blood Cancer Awareness Month and more stories are still being shared
  • 1000 GP eLearning flyers distributed to your local GP surgeries
  • 5000 symptoms cards shared
  • 7500 pin badges worn
  • 95,500 Spot Leukaemia video views
  • 23,830 people visited the Spot Leukaemia webpage to find out more
  • 450,000 football fans from 8 different league clubs heard the Spot Leukaemia message
  • 3 million people reached on social media from Leukaemia Care posts
  • 5 million people reached by Spot Leukaemia stories in regional press
  • 3 million people reached on Twitter from #SpotLeukaemia posts
  • 113 million people reached by Spot Leukaemia stories in national press

2018 has seen an exceptional response to Spot Leukaemia and we want to thank you for everything you have done to get involved and for spreading the message!

Together, we are helping people to #SpotLeukaemia, improving early diagnosis, and saving lives.

Spot Leukaemia will continue running over 2019, as we seek to continually improve awareness of blood cancer symptoms in the public and primary healthcare. So, ensure that you are signed up to campaign news to stay up-to-date with everything that is happening.

B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-cell ALL)

B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-cell ALL) is an acute leukaemia in which too many B-cells are produced in the bone marrow. Within these webpages you will find out what it is, the symptoms to look out for, how to diagnose it and treatment options.

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