Patient Perspective: Top 5 Winter Tips

Our patient blogger Vickie is back with her final blog of the year. Here, she gives her top five tips for the winter months.

1. Always wrap up warm

My ears tend to hurt more in the cold, so keeping them warm helps a lot. Wear a hat or ear muffs. Wear a warm jacket, gloves, scarf, warm socks and good boots. Just make sure you are completely wrapped up as much as possible. Being cold affects me; I feel it more now having leukaemia.

Winter is difficult, causing aches and pains. Make sure you wrap up and let people know where you are. If you aren’t feeling up to it, stay at home and watch a movie – that’s what I do.

2. Always make sure you have enough medication

With the snow and ice we have had, making it difficult to travel, you don’t want to run out. Getting a doctor’s appointment or hospital appointment can be a nightmare. With Christmas, the opening times will be less, making it difficult to get an appointment, which can put you back on medication.

3. Always make sure you stock up on food

Again, the weather can make travel difficult due to ice, so make sure you stock up on food, taking extra care if you’re neutropenic.

4. Eating healthy is great

Fruit and veg contain good vitamins which will help towards your health anyway. But in the winter, it’s a good idea to have vitamin C and others. It makes you healthy on the inside as well as the outside. We all know the winter can bring some nasty bugs, and leukaemia lowers your immune system, so eating healthy will contribute towards your health.

5. Be positive

Winter brings Christmas, which is exciting, but having cancer is a pain. However, you must be positive. Keep positive. Stay positive. Look forward to enjoying the most exciting time of the year. Be sensible and don’t overdo it for your health. Be with family or friends that will help you over winter and Christmas. Enjoy the day. No matter how difficult it becomes, breathe deeply in, be positive and enjoy the Christmas spirit.


Merry Christmas from me and my family!

Victoria Webster

What sort of exercise is recommended?

You need to ensure you choose something you enjoy which is also appropriate for your age and circumstance. There is no point doing something you have no interest in as most people find it hard enough getting motivated to exercise in the first place.

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