Leukaemia Batters baking pack

Cake it until you make it!

We’re muffin without our fundraisers – and with cake in mind, we’re asking you to get involved with Leukaemia Care and becoming a baking star by holding a Leukaemia Batters event for Leukaemia Care.

We’re providing all the ingredients to make it the best event going but we know your talents will be the icing on the cake.

Anybody who signs up to host a Leukaemia Batters cake sale will be sent a fundraising kit and a unique Leukaemia Care branded wooden spoon as a big thank you for signing up and for becoming one of our fold.

Our pack is jam-packed with all the info you knead to ensure your event is amazing – but if you need more support, our team are on hand to help.

To order your pack, including wooden spoon, simply fill out the form below. It’ll whisk its way to our fundraising team who will be in touch and make sure that you’re not a-scone.

    On submitting this form, you will automatically be enrolled in receiving our email communications about our services, campaigns, volunteer opportunities, and how to get involved.

    Any questions? Get in touch with us at fundraising@leukaemiacare.org.uk – we hope we’ll become a batch made in heaven.