Create your Will today for free

Create a will for free today with one of trusted will writing experts.

We have carefully selected two of the best Will writing experts to partner with so you can be safe in the knowledge that your final wishes will be listened to and recorded by a trustworthy provider.


You can use our partner Beyond to write a will online in a few simple steps, taking as little as 15 mins. Simple use the code ‘LEUKAEMIACARE100’ and the whole will becomes complimentary. 

Octopus Legacy

Octopus Legacy have taken the headache out of will writing with a quick and easy online service where each will is checked over by a legal expert.

They also offers telephone and face to face will writing services for those that would rather speak to a solicitor, to find out more and to book an appointment simply call the team on 0800 773 4014 and quote ‘Leukaemia Care’. 

“The [Beyond] process was very easy, self-explanatory and ticked all the boxes with what we wanted to do.

It made writing a will nice and easy,  we did the online application on the Saturday and by the Monday it was all drawn up, a very efficient service.

You get free changes for the first year too which is good to know.”

– Michael, chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) patient